Dombart Newborn | Pleasant Ridge

More. More rocking. More kisses. More laughter. More hugs. More books. More memories. More love. More joy. Tadd + Allison welcomed one more kiddo into their family, their daughter Collins, and we celebrated with an in home lifestyle newborn session!

While we spent their recent maternity session scouting out spots in Eden Park, we decided for a more intimate location for Collins’ first photo session–their cozy home in Pleasant Ridge. With bows and books adorning the walls, and soft pink ruffle crib sheets, the nursery was a perfect backdrop to capture the new joys of this growing family.

I am pretty sure Tadd was meant to be a ‘girl Dad’ for sure. Look at the love!

It was fun to reminisce on Caiden’s newborn session while blogging about Collins’. And now, Caiden is a big brother! He loves ducks and trucks and books about tooting. All the fun of this age wrapped into one sweet little, loveable package. Tadd + Allison, I can already tell that Caiden is seriously going to be one heck of a big brother to Collins. He was so interested in her, and when he reached out to hold her ‘more,’ I am pretty sure my heart grew two sizes.

You can’t have a lifestyle newborn session without those special close ups! Collins is a total natural–look at those smiling eyes!

Guys–I think we might have a champion of the world challenger in Collins… what do you think?

Tadd + Allison, as always, it was so fun to hang out with you and the family! I love being Caiden’s ‘favorite photographer friend’ around. And I can’t wait to watch Collins grow up into a lady as cool as her mom! Thank you both for trusting me, even amid a global pandemic, to capture these precious moments of your family.
