Zerbe Family | Rowe Arboretum

This time of year. Summer turning into fall. The mornings filled with a steaming mug of coffee to hold off the early morning frosty air. And the evenings filled with sun-sparkled, color changing trees. Taking the time to capture a few moments with the ones you love. Being totally present in the moment. Hugging and spinning your son around in the middle of a gravel path. Holding both of your sons as one wants to show you all the rocks he just collected. To stop these moments in time to be able to reminisce on is one of the reasons I feel so blessed as your family photographer. To be able to capture these moments that will become classic moments that fill the walls of your homes for years to come. You are creating a legacy, and I am overjoyed to be able to serve you!

2020 has been hard. H.A.R.D. Am I right? Not only is the entire world working through a global pandemic, all of the regular stresses of life are still showing up at our doors. This family session was an opportunity for the Zerbe’s to enjoy each other as a family. Julie and Leland loved on their beautiful sons, Finn and Miles. Every parent has hard things they are working through at every phase of their little one’s lives. Julie and Leland are approaching this season with such grace, patience, and openness.

When Julie had reached out about scheduling a family session, she told me that strong little Miles will be having open heart surgery before the end of this year. I am in awe of your strength. And I am beyond thankful that we captured these special moments in your family’s life!

Julie + Leland, thank you for sharing your evening with me. It was an honor and privilege to be able to capture these family photos for you. Not only are you raising two energetic and well-loved kiddos, you are doing it with grace and kindness. We can all learn a bit from you two.
