Zerbe Family | Ault Park

365 days. What a year. A year of joy. Pain. Laughter. Tears. Fear. Hope. All of the biggest human emotions all wrapped up into one year. 2020 has been a challenge for a lot of us. But if you are reading this, that means that you survived. And you deserve a huge congratulations. When I last got to hang out with the Zerbe family, it was right before Miles was scheduled to have his open heart surgery. This session was all about celebration. Birthdays and health!

Finn and I started off as great friends right off the bat with this session. He showed me how he could show me all of his teeth. He showed me his biggest laugh EVER. He found Miles’ buttons really quickly. And he loved being able to hang out with his Dad as a ‘cool guy!’ I love how Julie and Leland just totally trust me to capture their boys’ real personalities. I always let my RMP parents out there know that photo sessions with little ones are always a) chaotic, b) full of shaking booties, and c) have approximately 10 seconds out of the entire session where everything is perfect. The REAL smile from your oldest son. The nose crinkles from your kiddo. Their real excitement to surprise Dad with a big hug lighting up their eyes!

Thank you Julie + Leland for hanging out with me! I hope the lake is extra fun this weekend!
