Winter Wonderland in Cincinnati

I could feel the warmth of my apartment rushing outside as I closed the door behind me. It was a winter wonderland outside my home. My eyes began to water almost immediately. The cold winter air froze the small rivers of salty water to my cheeks. I could feel my nose getting redder by the moment. It was so quiet. Not a single car was driving down my normally busy road. No birds chirped in the trees. It was so quiet, I could actually hear the snowflakes land on top of one another. The flakes were so big. Soon, my coat and fingers were covered.

Winter in Cincinnati can be so unpredictable. I had a beautiful 50 degree family session just days before Christmas. And now, I could not feel my toes in boots. I had made plans to drive up out of the city to a pine grove I have been wanting to shoot at. But, my hair dryer broke and I did not want my hair to turn into icicles, so I postponed the location scout. Until next time! It is incredible the beauty you can find in your own backyard. This was the first time I shot in the snow, and I could not be more excited with how dreamy my street looks! I promise you, it does not normally look straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting.

To all of my past and future clients out there, do not be afraid of the snow! If any of you brave souls want to join me for a snowy session, let us plan one before all this pretty goodness melts away. I’m thinking snow ball fights, warm snuggles under fleecy blankets, and snow angels. We can take breaks in our cars if we have to and end the session with a trip to a local coffee house to warm up. Newly engaged couples, just imagine how sweet a photo will be of you future hubby giving you a kiss on your forehead, while you snuggle up close! Ah, I cannot even handle the cuteness! PS the snow makes an excellent reflective surface and your skin will look fantastic on camera!

Rachel Marie