McHale Lifestyle Newborn | Batavia

Did you know that ‘RAWR’ means ‘I love you’ in dinosaur? This was the first thing I learned during Oliver’s lifestyle newborn session at his home!

I also learned that Eddie’s grandma sewed him a dinosaur pillow when he was just a little kiddo. And Christa’s dino-decorating sense of style made for a perfect nursery for Oliver. I learned that Jackson is the sweetest new big brother in Batavia. And that Oliver has probably the most perfect toes and fingers. I learned that Eddie and Christa’s reenactment of the kissing tower photo would have so much personality. And that Oliver absolutely loves being swaddled in his dino-mite blanket. I learned that hard parenting choices start really early. And that every single decision you are making is the best for your family.

Yawn, jinx!

It is such a joy to capture clients and in this case, family, grow and change over the years. Watching Eddie and Christa going from two to three. And now from three to four. At a little over three weeks old, this was the first time I got to meet baby Oliver. And let me tell you, I think he looks so much like Jackson at his age! I could barely contain my joy in seeing how absolutely perfect he is. I think Christa can attest, I definitely got distracted just staring into those precious eyes of his. Listening to the most perfect little baby sounds you can imagine. And watching him yawn, sneeze, and gurgle. It made for the most perfect Saturday afternoon.

It can’t be a newborn session without those closeup shots, am I right?

Did you know that Dad’s hats are the absolute coolest!?

The many faces of Jackson 🙂

Eddie + Christa, thank you so much for inviting me into your family’s safe cocoon to capture Oliver’s lifestyle newborn photos. I love being able to be a part of your family’s beautiful moments.
