Marchionda Family | Spring Grove

Leaves drifting down from the branches overhead. Crunching beneath 3 pairs of feet. A soft wind blows through a little girls hair. Dad turns on the Trolls theme song. Little booties dancing. High five after high five after high five. Mom twirls around, holding tightly onto her giggling daughter. Fall at Spring Grove could not have been more beautiful than she was for the Marchionda family session!

This family session was extra fun for me, because Beth and I grew up together! We lived just a few houses down from one another. I remember walking down with my mom right after Beth’s family moved in, and being so excited that there was a girl my age moving in! We spent summers riding our bikes, playing soccer in the street, playing Skip-Bo, skating around with our *awesome matching* Sketcher’s quad skates. Guys, they were like regular gym shoes, but they had skates on the bottom! Nearly all of my childhood memories of the summer somehow involved Beth! So, it was so fun to catch up and meet her wonderful family!

When I first met Scarlett, Beth said ‘she doesn’t know a stranger.’ I love this! Naturally, Scarlett and I hit it off. She inspected my camera, played in the leaves, and had a blast getting tickled by Mom and Dad. I think she is going to be a fantastic big sister!

Beth + Phil, thank you for hanging out with me last weekend! I hope you three had as much fun as I did! To be raising such an independent little lady, Beth + Phil, you should be so proud. Phil, it was absolutely lovely to meet you! Beth and Scarlett are lucky ladies to have such a loving and joy-filled person in their lives! I am so excited to be able to take these photos of your three, before you become a family of four in April!
