The Januarch Months

When you live in the Midwest, obviously your photographer is going to feature quite a few winterscapes during these long, chilly months after Christmas. The months when you bump up your heat up one more degree (just until your feet get warm). Months were you literally stand on top of the register vent when it kicks on. The I-have-to-wear-two-pairs-of-socks-at-all-times months. You know the ones I am talking about. Well, as much as ‘Januarch’ may want to force you to stay inside and keep the snuggle alive, I hope this journal post may push you to travel to a new place you may have heard about, but have never visited.

I have been wanting to check out a ‘secret’ place I have heard about through the Cincinnati-photographer-grapevine. This grapevine community is quite amazing. Local photographers from all over the city will meet up, share stories and tips through social media, find new inspirations, and help their fellow photogs (a fun nickname we give ourselves). As photogs, the winter can be a tough time in our businesses. Most of my clients would rather be sipping cocoa by a crackling fire than taking photos in the cold winter air (snow sessions will make you look awesome, though!). I decided this secret mission of mine may help me convince more of my adventurous clients to join me in the snow!

GoogleMaps told me my destination was so close. But I was circling around a subdivision (definitely not Rentschler Forest). After one more loop around, I found the entrance! After a little bit of hiking through the snow (which was pretty deep after this most recent storm we had), I found the pine grove! I actually discovered this amazing location I had first heard about months ago. Now let me tell you, it was breathtaking. If you follow me on my Instagram, you probably saw my InstaStory when I first entered the grove. It was so quiet (apart from my own, very loud breathing), it felt like I was in another world. Not a single other soul was around. It was pure magic.

It is interesting because one year ago, I would have been exactly like most people. Wanting the hot cocoa and the crackling fire. But behind my camera lens, I become a little bit of an adventurer! I have been outside exploring new locations that I have never been to before. And I have lived in this city for over 20 years. It has been such a fun way to enjoy myself And a great way to discover new and breathtaking locations in the city I love.

Now, I just need to convince you to come and join me! Ditch the Januarch feeling and celebrate the snow!

Rachel Marie