Harrigan Family | Farbach-Werner

I am so blessed (as usual) that I was able to capture this beautiful Harrigan family for a fun, early morning session at Farbach-Werner Nature Preserve! And mostly it is because I am lucky to call these amazing humans my family.

Emma girl. You are the first little lady that made me Rara, and I will hold onto that special bond for as long as I live. You are something else, and I am so very lucky to be able to watch you grow into the amazing girl you are becoming. I love being able to talk to you about Harry Potter and golfing and unicorns. I love your love of learning and trying new things.  I love still being able to pick you up and giving you smushy hugs. I love you, my darling! Watching you grow up to this 7 year old before me is so wild.

Lauren. Your energy and outpouring of love for everything and everyone around you is infectious. Your heart is simply spectacular. I love that little side grin you get right before you act like a horsey galloping through the house. I love your excellent toe points during gymnastics. I love how you love your sisters. I love how you are ALWAYS the first one to say ‘hey RaRa’ when I am Facetiming your Momma. I am absolutely obsessed with you, precious baby girl. I love you!

Mallory. You and me kid. You are hands down, the BEST hugger and back patter I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. You have been gifted such a joyful spirit and I love being able to watch that. I feel like you have a newfound expression every week, and I love being able to see what new grin or giggle is coming next! I love you sweet, Mallie.

Leah + Ray. You guys are too cool for school and I won’t get all mushy here with you two. But I love you both to death, and you guys are raising some pretty A plus girls over here.

Love you,