Ferguson Family | Smale Park

Early morning joggers. Sunrise sparkling off of the Ohio River waters. A cool, end-of-summer breeze drifting through Smale Park. First Bengal’s Sunday. What a great way to start off the Ferguson family session! It has been a couple of years since I have been blessed to photograph this family, and I had the added bonus of meeting the newest and coolest 8 month old, Jacob during this session! With his big blue eyes and Charlotte’s sweet blonde curls, Melinda and Andrew sure make some pretty cute kiddos.

I realized I haven’t had a sunrise session with such beautiful glowy light in awhile, and this morning did not disappoint. As a natural light photographer, I select the available time frame of sessions for particular reasons. Golden hour. This happens twice a day, sunrise and sunset. Even though the early morning session can sometimes be challenging to get everyone ready, it can honetly be my favorite time to shoot! Popular locations are typically less crowded. Skin tones become glowy and near flawless. And after your session, you can still have a full day (and can even stop for some donuts right afterwards)!

It was fun catching up with the Ferguson family and see what they have been up to! Melinda was telling me about cultivating her garden and Andrew has been busy with honing in on his woodworking skills around their home. Jacob was full of smiles and was just so content in the park. He was checking out all of the grass and flowers. As for Charlotte, I don’t think I could get her to stop giggling if I tried. She was radiating joy and excitement at getting to hang out with the entire family!

Melinda + Andrew, thank you guys for meeting me for your early sunrise session at Smale Park! I had a blast, and I don’t want to be superstitious, but we did get a Bengals win on the season opener after your session. Coincidence?
