Ferguson Family | Alms Park

The last few warm evenings of summer. The sunset peaking through the clouds. A family of three bouncing, tickling, and giggling together. The sure-footed steps of a 16 month old. Alm’s Park was a great backdrop for the Ferguson family’s session!

You usually picture crunchy, fall leaves underfoot for a late September session, but the Ferguson family was blessed with nearly 90 degree weather! Mother Nature + this family definitely brought the heat (oh my gosh, so corny I know, but its true)! Not only did this family coordinate to the ‘T,’ Melinda created and sewed Charlotte’s dress. I repeat. Melinda created, from scratch, this most adorable dress of Charlotte’s! She told me that she had even made her prom dress in high school. I mean how talented is she! And the gold buttons down the back.. *perfection.*

You can’t beat the silly faces of kiddos!! These are always some of my favorites moments. The real.

Melinda + Andrew, thank you for inviting me into a little piece of your family’s life! It was such a pleasure to meet both of you, and Charlotte! She is such a sweet little lady. I always call it a win at a family session when I get some giggles from the kiddos. Not only did your beautiful daughter light up the camera, she lit up your faces as well! Triple win! And it was just the best when we ended that session with a high-five. Actually, it was like three high-fives by the end!
