Dombart Maternity | Eden Park

The sun rising in the east. Peeking through the summer greenery. Casting that morning glow. A few ducks quack and begin splashing in the pond. Still waters becoming a glistening spray of sparkling water droplets. The slobbery kisses from a yellow-haired best friend. And one-champion-of-the-world big brother. Flying through the air. Running overs bridges and grasses. Taking a mini-adventure through the winding paths of Eden Park. The Dombart maternity session couldn’t have been a more perfect welcome to Allison + Tadd’s newest addition!

Allison + Tadd are celebrating their new daughter, Collins! It seems like just a short time ago, we were hanging out at your maternity session for Caiden! And then his newborn photos in your first home together as a family! I know I sound like a broken record to all of my favorite clients out there. I feel so blessed to be able to watch your families grow over the years. It is an amazing position I get to be in. Watching the depth of your relationship, your love, and your respect for each other as parents grow and flourish.

And not to mention how easy you two make an RMP session! Tadd, getting those fresh new kicks. Allison, looking bomb as ever. Caiden blowing me kisses as you guys were leaving. Heck, I barely had to pose you guys. Allison, you already knew that we wouldn’t make it through a session without the classic RMP ‘nose to temple.’

And seriously, thank you both so much for your patience at the end of the session with getting this shot! Who knew that standing on a stool could get this little man to give his baby sister a hug <3.

Allison + Tadd, thank you both, as always, for hanging out with me and my camera! I love being able to see more of Caiden’s personality as he grows up. And likewise, I can’t wait to meet miss Collins soon and become her best photographer friend.
