Dombart Family | Alms Park

Melting snow drips from the garden. Rosy noses. Snuggly fleece blankets. The warm glow of the sun illuminates our breath, floating in the air. Alms Park with the Dombart family was a perfect ‘end of fall’ session! If I say it once, I will say it thousands of times. I LOVE witnessing a couple grow from just the two of them, to two-plus-a-carry-on, and to a family of three! This fall session with Allison, Tadd, and Caiden was the third session we have done together! And now, Caiden is officially mobile!

These three always make their sessions so much fun. We were dancing, twirling, laughing, and bouncing all over Alms Park! I always love the between the scenes moments from family sessions the most! The moments we don’t necessarily catch on the camera, but remember when looking at our photos later.

When Tadd pulls out his comb to smooth down Caiden’s hair. Straight out of Greased Lighting! When Allison is playing peekaboo above my head, and Caiden breaks out into a giggle at his hilarious momma. Wrapping Caiden up like a baby polar bear between spots to keep him toasty warm. The laughing groomsmen walking behind me and getting Caiden to laugh! The few giggly moments between Allison and Tadd ‘rocking out’ in a classic RMP ‘feels weird, looks great’ pose. Those are the moments I cherish as your photographer.

Allison + Tadd, thank you, as always, for hanging out with me during your session! I love getting to spend time with you guys and *finally* getting that high five from Caiden at the end of our session. Literally, these RMP kiddo high five make my WEEKS! Can’t wait to see you all soon!
