Daylight Savings = Light Goals

Yesterday was Daylight Savings day! Usually, the excitement level for daylight savings is reserved for the ‘fall backward’ change, and not the dreaded lose-an-hour-of-sleep day. But ‘spring forward’ is a blessing for business! It means that I have a extra hour of sunlight to utilize for sessions. I am a natural light specialist. I believe that natural light from the sun and its reflections creates photographs that feel fresh, timeless, and true to you. Since all of my photos are dependent on the creamiest and dreamiest moments of light, I schedule sunset shoots. This means that I begin all sessions roughly two hours before the scheduled sunset during ‘golden hour,’ when the light is beautifully soft and flattering on all skin types. Just check out the Renner Family Session to see that beautiful light!

The sun can set as early as 5:15 pm during a Midwest winter. On a given weekend, this does not pose a problem, since I schedule 3:30-4:00 pm start times. This is the perfect time to achieve the creamy and dreamy light that looks stunning on camera. As a photographer who also has a full time job, the challenge arises when scheduling sessions during the week. My weekend sessions fill up so quickly (so thankful for all of my beautiful loyal clients), but I want to serve as many as I am able.

Summer weekday sessions are pretty amazing! Popular locations are less crowded on a week day than on a weekend. This makes for some pretty epic, sweeping landscape shots. The extra sunlight allows me the flexibility to schedule more sessions during the week. It also alleviates client stress because you have additional getting-ready time after work. And if you needed one more reason, it is also the perfect opportunity to enjoy an intimate date night after your session. You will already be all dressed up!


Now that we have a whole extra hour of sunlight, let us get out there during the week!

P.S. How sweet is this carved tree? I wonder what C & G’s love story looks like!

Rachel Marie