

When you live in the Midwest, obviously your photographer is going to feature quite a few winterscapes during these long, chilly months after Christmas. The months when you bump up your heat up one more degree (just until your feet get warm). Months were you literally stand on top of the register vent when it […]

January 22, 2018


I could feel the warmth of my apartment rushing outside as I closed the door behind me. It was a winter wonderland outside my home. My eyes began to water almost immediately. The cold winter air froze the small rivers of salty water to my cheeks. I could feel my nose getting redder by the […]

January 15, 2018


My fingers were warm from typing and scrolling and clicking all morning. I clasped my cup of coffee. Wisps of steam fogged up my glasses. I snuggled further under my fleece blanket. And I stared at my laptop screen. I had just put the finishing touches on my official business website. Rachel Marie Photography was […]

December 22, 2017