Laura + Arthur Mommy and Me | Milford

Long sleeved sweaters. Brown leather booties. The ‘plop’ of rocks skipping across the Little Miami. Wind whistling through the hair of the fastest 3 year old around. A meandering Saturday night ending with a frozen treat. A mom and her son sharing kisses over sprinkles. Laura + Arthur’s Mommy and Me session in downtown Milford was so fun!

Laura and I were catching up during our walk around downtown Milford (we are old coworkers and haven’t seen each other in a hot second), and she was telling me all about the big dreams and goals she is accomplishing right now! She is finishing her Masters degree, working full time, AND is training for the Queen Bee half marathon! All at the same time. All while looking amazing! And all while she is out here being a freaking beast at mom-life! You know your girl Rach is all about the goal setting. Can I get an AMEN and a HECK YES for Laura over here. Arthur has one seriously strong female role model in his life. He is such a lucky boy!

For all of my sessions, I always send my clients a questionnaire asking what they are looking for with their session. My photographer heart went all Grinch-like and grew three sizes when Laura mentioned she wanted to do a portion of their session at a local ice cream shop. Can you believe how adorable these two are!? I love when my clients select a location that is truly special to them! And, for families with kiddos out there, Arthur freaking loved this! Even with his brain freeze!

Laura + Arthur, thank you for having such a fun Saturday evening with you! It was truly a blessing to be able to see you two interact. This session was so organic and true to your relationship. I could not stop smiling when I was editing this gallery, just because your love for each other is so evident. Arthur, you are one lucky son. And not only because your Mom let you eat ice cream for dinner!
