Thompson Family | French Park

Fall colors bursting through the evening sunset. Golden fields sparkling across the rolling hills. The crunch of freshly fallen leaves blanketing the stone pathways. Laughter and smiles surrounded this entire session with the Thompson family at French Park!

As some of your may know, I started RMP in 2017 after I wanted a creative outlet outside of my very science-y profession! While I have been building this growing creative business, I am also able to fill my science brain with my position at a local Cincinnati hospital. And I love both! So this session with the Thompson family was extra fun because I work with Jody at the hospital. Talk about two worlds colliding! This wonderful family moved to Ohio a little bit over a year ago and are settling into the new life they are building here as a family.

I found out that Ashley could totally kick my (and probably your) booties, as she is seriously skilled at Karate. Shane and his parents love to find and explore new hiking trails in the area. And this family does all of this while still looking amazing and spreading joy wherever they go! I am still going to believe these two young adults when they *told me* they weren’t fake laughing at me throughout the evening. You guys were wonderful to hang out with, and I hope you all had as much fun as I did!

French Park showing off her beautiful fields for the Thompson family! <3

Amber + Jody, thank you for sharing your family with me! It was a joy to see you all having fun as a family. I loved being able to capture your REAL smiles and laughter throughout the evening. What did I say, saying the world belly button to adults is just really funny for some reason. I can’t wait to see you guys again soon!
